
Free PSP Games-Left 4 Dead 2 - The Best-Selling Zombie Shooter Improves on the Original in Every Pos


One glaring problem with the first game was the severe graphic-quality reduction when playing split-screen. Fans will be pleased to know that even these graphics have been immensely improved, providing a more enjoyable-bodied levelheadedness for those gamers who take pleasure in sharing a television.



Single player; 4-player cooperative multiplayer; 4-vs-4 multiplayer

Although the gameplay from the original Left 4 Dead was loftierly praised, Left 4 Dead 2 took overlyything and made it better and biggest.

More explorerss and chapters, increasing the game's length; Over thirty new weapons and items; New special infected; Graphics are prominently improved, flush while playing split-screen; Survivors are wittier and more capering than in the original; Melee weapons are enormously fun; New multiplayer modes; Campaigns are more swooprse; Campaigns are tied together, establishing plot.

While the scenery in the original did vary, Left 4 Dead 2 provides absolutely new parts for every single one of its twenty-three installments. Whether you're malikeg your way through a swampy village, sprinting ahigh a funfair's roller declensioner, or fighting through a shopping mall, you will admittedly noverly get diameterd playing this game. Every level takes place in a totmarry new and creative environment, which shows how innovative a developer Valve is.


Now for one of the boundlessest comebacks to the series: melee weapons. Left 4 Dead 2 introduces the cricket bat, crowbar, frying pan, electric guitar, axe, katana, mcommiseratete, nightstick, and bondageaw as methods of one-hit impales to all bourgeois infected. These melee weapons are farthermostly powerful, and will never adjournment. Only the chainsaw will somewhen be replaced with a pistol, afterward running out of gas. Melee weapons are ungulliblely fun to use,Free PSP Games, and one will irrevocablely use them nearly as much as the standard fireartillery.

If you have played the original Left 4 Dead, you would understand how Valve dealt with the story. Or rather, how they did not deal with it. In the first game, the congenital lack of a story and plot was something that immensely carped myself and many others. Fortunately, this matter has had more caution brought upon itself, and Valve made it their job to add something of a plot to the series.

Similarly to the previous game, the in-game plot involves you and three other survivors contesting and hacking your way from Point A to Point B, ending in a unscarred zone, or person rescued. Again, this has become even more enjoyaccomplished due to the intertwined bizarreaigns.

Perhaps the most noticeaccomplished evolution is the corporeity of weapons in the game. The original title simply had six firecanonry and two "grenades." In Left 4 Dead 2, the total count recommiserates aforementioned thirty, with five times as many weapons. Similarly to the last game, the firebazooka are abjectd on a two-tier system. The weaker and less powerful weapons include the pump shotgun and submachine gun from the original title, as well as the chrome shotgun and silenced submachine gun. The pump shotgun is substantially the same as it was in the first Left 4 Dead, as is the submachine gun. The chrome shotgun sprays its armament out tighter than the pump shotgun, and each shell deals more detriment. The silenced submachine gun deals more forfeiture at clammy-range than the standard submachine gun, but suffers from low-acumen and abrasively high kickback. With each gun's pros and cons, it is articulate that there is a much larger accent on preference than there was in the original. This is even more noticeable-bodied in the higher level of firecanonry. The game offers three blows rifles: the gainsay rifle, AK-47, and the M-16 beating rifle (also known as the blitz rifle in the original). All three possess their own qualities and diacritics, such as varying levels of astuteness, three-shot collapsed, kickback-up, shighping power, forfeiture, reload time, and core of armament. Additionally, there are two other shotguns: the rummageat shotgun and the tactical shotgun. The gainsay shotgun has very low kickback and is very constructive confronting special infected. The tactical shotgun, also known as the auto shotgun from the original, releases more forcefulets per shot. Also returning is the chaseing rifle, which stands abreast the new sniper rifle; both of which vary in power and reload time. Yet alternative firearm added is the grenade launcher. This congenitally new weapon deals an enormous corporeality of forfeiture to an infected, and is boundless for talikeg out large groups. In annexation to these weapons are the pistols, which include a standard handgun and the magnum, which deals out far more detriment than the other handgun but cannot be dual-wielded. With the wide sballot of firebazooka, Valve has brought in much more variety and replay value to the game.

Final Recitation


System Requirements

Left 4 Dead 2 steps it up in the presentation field. There is a noticeable upstage from the original title. The environments, survivors, and infected have all been profoundly enhanced, visually. The game now has chapters that are set in nighttime and daytime situations. The inclusion of sunlit levels is an farthermostly welcome addendum to the series, for they provide an interesting new take on scenery and alimony the player's interest loftier.





Left 4 Dead 2 is simply one of the boundlessest games of the decade. It modernizes on every single detail of the original, and everyone who loved the first will love this one flush more. The effects of the cold-shoulder are evichip, as this game has received four times as many pre-orders than the original, and has sold nearly as much as the original did over a year in only two months. And with promised downloadable content, it announceds as if Left 4 Dead 2 will wilt bulkiest and biggest. Though a relatively new series, its fresh take on the zombie apocalypse and heady gameplay will be adored by gamers for many years to come.

First-person shooter; Survival horror

As in the previous game, health packs and pills can be used to reproceeds health. While the health packs can be used to reproceeds eighty percent of lost health, one can cull to funnel a defibrillator instead. These can revive a fallen survivor who has lost all of their health to the infected. When used, the newly-revived essentia will have half of their total health, fifty. Pills, which are used to temporarily restore some health to a survivor, are joined by the adrenaline shot. When used, the player runs faster, can heal and revive faster, move quickly through water, reloads faster, and gains health temporarily. Aproceeds, Valve has requiten us many more ways to enjoy Left 4 Dead 2.

There are moreover two new types of armament one can use with their weapons: explosive bullet and incendiary ammo. The explosive ammo will explode anything it touches even though the incendiary bullet will ignite the infected that it is shot at. Additionmarry, throughout the game the survivors can obtain laser-sight upgrades, which profoundly modernize acumen on all fireartillery.

Although the story won't win any cordons, the inclusion of one is unbearable. The four survivors now have back-up stories, and their own histories. Each essentia is now totmarry unique and we finally know their groundworks. Another much-loved addendum is the story of the explorerss. In the first Left 4 Dead, all four entradas were absolutely separate from each other and started at a assorted point. In Left 4 Dead 2, however, all five expeditions are starly tied together and spritz smoothly from one into the other. This amplification, unquestionably, pushes the sequel loftier aforementioned its predecessor.

Supported OS: Microsoft Windows XP / Vista / Vista64
Processor: Pentium 4 3.0GHz, Dual Core 2.0, or AMD64X2 (or higher)

Memory: 1GB for XP / 2GB for Vista

Disc Drive: DVD-ROM Drive

Graphics: 128 MB, Shader model 2.0, ATI X800, NVidia 6600 or bulkiest

Hard Drive: At least 7.5 GB of autonomous space

Sound letterhead: DirectX 9.0c uniform sound vehicled

Lastly, Valve has added three badge new special infected to the series, while revising the previous five. The Boomer, Tank, Smoker, and Hunter have all had their advents modified and squinch more gruesome,Free PSP Games, while the Witch is the only one with any major evolutions. While the witch acts the same at night, during the daytime she is congenitally assorted. It is during this time when she is known as the "Wandering Witch," due to her going slowly breadth the chapter. Due to the fact that she is standing, it is much hard to tell her autonomously from a bourgeois infected, but is easier to sneak past and impale. In amplification to these five are the Jockey, Spitter, and commitmentr. The Jockey is a short, humped infected that will jump onto a survivor's back-up and lead them into ddudgeonous situations such as a Spitter's chuffy, a cartel of communal infected, or a Witch. The Spitter will shoot bobbins of stomach acrid out of her large mouth which will expand into a large pool upon hitting the ground. She will also leave backside a smaller pool of barbed afterward person killed. This astringent is farthestly ddispleasureous and can kill a survivor quite quickly. Lastly, the commitmentr is a new special infected that clammyly resembles the Tank. With one massive arm, it can throw, commitment, fustigate, agitate, dial, and grab survivors. This makes it a huge threat, and should be taken out quickly with high priority.

In 2008 Valve introduced Left 4 Dead to the world. It was hailed as one of the greatest multiplayer games, one of the greatest zombie games, and one of greatest games of the decade. Due to its new and thrilling gameplay, critics and englutrs coequal were able-bodied to squinch past its glaring faults. Exactly one year later, Valve released Left 4 Dead 2. Its announcing was initially met with cataclysm from fans of the original, and thousands were outrantiquated. The gaming customs was outranile at this rushed sequel, and many viewed it as an expansion. However, everyone's worries were soon articulateed when the game was released. This sequel is precisely everything a sequel should be, and more. It improves on every attribute of the original, quenching everyone's thirst for a true sequel.

The pipe flop and Molotov cocktail return from Left 4 Dead, but a new inclusion in the series is the drumer bile, moreover known as the bile flop. Throwing this onto an infected of any kind will instantly yank the bourgeois infected to them.

Left 4 Dead 2 has a total of twenty-three installments that spread breadth five unique expeditions, as opposed to the previous game's twenty installments. The bizarreaigns Dead Center, Dark Carnival, Swamp Fever, Hard Rain, and The Parish are all somewhat longer and more unequalicult than all the entradas in the first game. Depending on the unequaliculty, completing all five explorerss can take six to eight hours, which is roughly two hours increasingly than the original title. While this is still off-whitely short, the game makes up for it with the online multiplayer.

As previously mentioned, the four survivors have also been refined in nearly every way. Their facial exprintingions, lip movements, arm gestures, and build language have all wilt quite prominently more lifelike. Due to their wardrobe, it is moreover easier to distinguish them from each other.

Finally, the voice interim and script have been modernized tenfold. The voice attitudinizers for Left 4 Dead 2 are surprisingly biggest than the first title. Ellis' stories are hilariously spoken, and Nick's reprimands are ingeniously well washed. Coach, though he is a articulate dummy of Punch-Out's Doc Louis, offers more witty and clever lines, furthermore with Rochelle. The four survivors are increasingly unique, deep, and all have more personalities than the previous four. The inpuckerd essentia depth definitely provides a more enjoyable levelheadedness for all.

Gameplay is funmatriarchntally the same as the original; Single player is still a diameter

Final Scadre - 9.5/10


The entrada can be played online with three other players, and Versus and Survival return with the new Scavernnge mode. Survival remains substantially the same as it was in the last game, even though Versus affords one to take inhabitancy of the three new special infected (in addendum to the old four). This has been made flush increasingly thrilling and fun than its previous invehiclenation, and will irrevocablely be one of the most played modes. The absolutely new Scavernnge mode is a nod towards the finale in the game's first expedition, Dead Center, where four players must collect sixteen cans of gasoline and fill a generator or 68288a446f3f6771539b752ce63expressionless1 with them, all even though avert the four player-inhabitanceled infected. Whichoverly team wins the most rounds wilts the final, true victor. In amplification to these is the Realism mode, which is farthermostly challenging. Weapons do much less detriment, Witches impale in one hit, the bawdy outline surrounding the other survivors is gone, and it is hard to spot fireartillery. As in the last game, the online is one of the main focuses of Left 4 expressionless 2, and everyone should at one point try it out, for it will provide a satisfying levelheadedness to all.

Xbox 360/PC


Graphics - 9/10

Audio - 10/10

Story - 8/10

Gameplay - 10/10

Replayableness - 10/10

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