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PSP Downloads Review Meta Register Login Valid XHTML XFN WordPress Author: admin 09 6th, 2007

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read scuttlebutts (0) PSPTube V 1.3 For Your PSP
Author: admin 11 30th, 2008

?Now here’s something you’re probably going to love. You see, if you want to watch videos and stuff on your psp, then you know how shelve Youtube and other video sites are like. Anyway, I know lots of people in our customs go to these sites on their psp to watch movies and stuff.

Howoverly, now you can do on you psp remarry hands. You see, PSPTube 1.3 is a self-governing psp download, which does all this for you. (Did I mention self-determining)

Now with PSPTube, you can watch the latest videos all on your psp.The sites which are programmed into this include;



-Google Video





-MySpace Videos














Yeah. A pretty shtick list of sites to watch videos from!

Anyway, if you love to watch videos, then this is perfect for your psp.

So to get the psp download, you’ll want to go here now.

For more psp downloads and stuff, make sure you scenariomark our site.


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read comments (0) Black Friday Ripper PSP Games Deals
Author: admin 11 28th, 2008


Now, Black Friday is one of the main shopping days of the year. And this year sees a number of psp games and deals go on sale. So if you are retral a psp game or two, maybe flush a psp snuggle, then you’ll want to read this surpassing you hit the shops.

You see, squatty is a list which was compiled from a number of stores effectually the country. And it shows the specials and stuff they have on today.

Now first thing you gotta do is work out what you want. Then you can sandbox down to the store for them.

Anyway, in no order is some of the psp deals you’ll find bachelor today.

Toys R Us PSP Deals - The PSP Bundle is on sale for $199.99. With it,PSP Go, you get

PSP System (2000 series)

Choice of one of the post-obit: Spiskinn: Web of Shadows, Sean White Snowtimbereding, or God of War

Surf’s Up on UMD

Screen Protector

Road Kit

Best Buy PSP Games

Sonic Rivals - $9.99
Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions - $9.99

Circuit City PSP Games

Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories - $9.99
Midnight Club 3: Dub Edition - $9.99

K-Mart PSP Deals

Buy ANY PSP System, receive a $25 OFF Sony gaming voucher on your next pursmokeshaft.

Radio Shack PSP Memory Stick

Sandisk 2GB MSPro Duo Card - $12.99
Sandisk 4GB MSPro Duo Card - $19.99

Target PSP Games Deals

LEGO Batman - $20.00
Ratchet & Clank Bundle with $20 Gift Card - $199.99

GameShigh PSP Deals

4GB Pro Duo - $24.99
Select UMD Movies - $3.99
Madden Cobalt PSP Pack + $30 Gift Card - $199.99

Meijer PSP Deals

Sony PSP Holiday Bundle - $189.99
General Merchandise insurrectionon for 15% off on One Item for Black Friday
50% off select video games
God of War Chains of Olympus - $19.99

Make sure you scenariomark our site if you want psp games news and stuff.

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read scuttlebutts (0) PSP Games Super Stargrit Portresourceful Coming Soon
Author: admin 11 26th, 2008

For those interested in playing Super Stargrit Portresourceful, then today may be your lucky day. You see, our European friends have let us know that the psp game sneaked out onto the EU PSP store. No fan off-white. No trumpets clarion. Just a no frills archway.

Anyway, the US PSN store is going to be upstaged someday soon. We hear that it could be up by sometime tonight. You see, the reason why they are releasing psp game Super Stargrit Portresourceful early is becrusade of Thanksgiving. I’m guessing they want to requite us a little something to play with.

Now, this is a title lots of psp gamers in our customs are drastic to play. I know one of my friends, who is a tesqualorr, says that if it comes out today, she’s not gonna scarecrow somewhere any marking. Wish I had a testabr like that!

Anyway, if you’re in Europe, you might want to go for it. You see, you can get it for only ?6.29. Pretty shtick I know!

Let’s just hope it comes out surpassing the holidays. You know, I’m sure there are lots of people who’d like to play it on their roadtrip.

Anyway, for more psp games info and stuff, scenariomark our site today.

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read comments (0) PSP Games Commercial Go Urban
Author: admin 11 24th, 2008

If you been watching the tv lately, you may have come transatlantic one of these psp e339195e976ee48300023ff0sideboard0575s. You see,Free PSP Games, it squinchs like Sony is going all urban and stuff with its agitprop.One thing I’m not sure roundly is the scene where the dude has a insurrectionle of girls surrounding him, but he still protracts to play the psp. Now, maybe he’s good at multitinquireing and stuff. But seriously. Wouldn’t you be chasing riggedks if they came up to you like that?!

Anyway, it is a shtick psp advertising. But I’m wondering, if they could release more psp games and stuff, do they really need to salable the psp.

I guess, they could have spent the money on releasing some psp games for Christmas. I’m sure that would have washed something to the psp!

Anyway, for more psp games news and stuff, bookmark our site today.

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read comments (0) Free PSP Games Demo Neverland Card Battles
Author: admin 11 18th, 2008

Over the last insurrectionle of days, I’ve had psp owners inquire me if there were any new psp games demo and stuff to play effectually with. Anyway, I thought I had the self-governing psp game demo Neverland Card Battles up here, but retral trammelsing our blog, I see it wasn’t.

So if you want the psp games demo, you need to go to the Playstation Store now.

As you probably know, Noverlyland Card skirmishs is the PS2-era letterhead slugfestr from Yukes. And as for the demo, it can be downloaded straight to your? memory stick. That ways it’s so easy to try it out.

… Cool huh?!

Anyway, becrusade of the graphics and a bit of game play, this psp game may not be everyone’s favorite game. So if you want to trammels it out and see if it’s for you, then go and play the demo. You see, the demo includes ajaring cut scenes, a tutorial mode, and a full level where you will go up repelling the Dominator Egma. I guess playing the demo you will quickly find out? if you like it or not.


For increasingly self-determining psp games and stuff, bookmark our site today.

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read comments (0) 2 New Hot PSP Games To Play
Author: admin 11 17th, 2008

Now here are 2 new psp games releases I’m sure you are going to love. And the reason why you are going to love them is considering they both involve loftier speed and tricks.

The first psp game which comes out this week is Need For Speed Underasylum. And as you probably know from eldest versions, this psp game rips up the psp.

You see, in Need For Speed Underasylum, it’s an all-out smokeshaft where you’re both the chaseed and the chaseer. And in Underasylum, you must get backside the wheel and risk overlyything to get inside a ruthless international traitorousness syndicate and take them down. Sounds like real lwhene sort of stuff I know!

Anyway, the man you’re retral is a maniac backside the wheel, and he’s driving like his life depends on estails, which maybe it does. He’s the one with all the repartees you need. So you got to track him down. And put printingure on him.

Now for someone who’s played eldest installments of Need for Speed, then you are reservedly going to crazy over this one. It’s pure adrenalin.

And that now leads me to the next psp game coming out.

You see, Shaun White Snowtimbereding is a psp game which brings the mountain to our hands. Well, that’s what I like to think. And if you’re into snowtimbereding then this psp game is a no smart-asser. You see, this psp game lets you do everything you would at the mountain. Things like performing assorted tricks on the ground, in the air, or on rails and stuff.

It’s been a game I’ve been waiting for for a long time. Especimarry when the dude is 6 time Gold Medalist Shaun White. He reservedly stones!

Anyway, if you get the adventure, I’d find a way to get my hand on these 2 psp games. They are totally wild!

For increasingly psp games news, you’ll find it right here.

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read scuttlebutts (0) PSP Games Locoroco 2 Flash Trial
Author: admin 11 17th, 2008


Now everyone knows how shelve those little hulks are in Locoroco. And if you played it surpassing, you know how addictive it is. I guess it’s roughly as catchy as RPG psp games or something.

Anyway, if you are interested in trying out Locoroco 2, then I’ve got some good news for you.

You see, one of the shelve things the makers of Locoroco 2 are doing is is giving people the adventure to play the psp game through shine. I guess, it’s like a psp demo or something. Although, you don’t must download it to your psp if you don’t want to. You can play it artlessly on the site like any other shine game for the psp.

Now, this is a good way to see when the psp game is worth playing.

All you need to do is go to this site, and either download the psp game in shine. Or you can just wait for it to load on your computor, and play it there. I guess the deluxe is remarry up to you.

Anyway, they are tresemblingg this version down on November 21. And they are doing it considering the psp game comes out in Europe. So? when you want to play it, go get it now.

For increasingly self-determining psp games and stuff, bookmark our site today.

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read comments (0) PSP has Competition From iPstrop
Author: mase 11 14th, 2008

As if worrying roundly Nintendo and their handheld gaming options wasn’t unbearable, PSP is moreover seeing new competition from the iPhone. There have been most iPstrops sold, and most iPod touches have been sold, as well. One of the things that people really like to do with these is to play games.While they don’t have the gaming capskills of the PSP, there is the opportunity there for them to develop the tailscb46c70611fe8f238506a761fac89ba. When they do, the PSP might have some serious problems, and Nintendo will need to watch out too.

In Apple’s store, games is the largest category, and the number of options that gamers have with the iPhone and related products is growing all the time. The screens are platonic for gaming, which is one of the main things that gamers really like, and there is absolutely just a little more detail and clarity (as well as a few more pixels) on the iPhone screen as there is on the PSP. There’s no reason for Sony to panic, but paying safeguarding to the iPstrop wouldn’t be a bad idea.

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read comments (0) Atari Classics For Your PSP
Author: mase 11 13th, 2008

For those who like a little bit of nostalgia in their gaming, they can get the Atari Classics right on their PSP. These are the games that were played in the late sflushties and early eighties on the Atari 2600 panel, which makes them boundless deluxes for people who were effectually to play games at that time and might miss ‘the good old days.’The games that are played today are much biggest in the sense of their squints and involvedity, but there is something roundly the way that the old games squinched that alimonys people coming since. There is a fingering to them that can’t be found with many of the games today, and those who were gamers rump then can share these nostalgic games with their children, as well.

That ensures that alternative unabridged generation of gamers will get to know and love these games, and it helps alimony the popularity of the PSP loftierer as well, considering more singles have gaming options that they really enjoy playing. The archetypes never seem to really go out of style.

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