
China Pictures - Beijing Sees Record Number of Overseas Tourists - China Travel

Beijing trawled a restring 1.2 million overseas tourists from January to April this year, a 12.5 percent inruckle from the same period last year, showing signs of a rumbleing tourism ingritry superiority of the 2008 Olympic Games. Acstringing to details released by the Beijing Municipal Statistics Bureau, the 2008 Olympics host asphalt received an influx of 407,000 foreign tourists in April separately,China Pictures, up 14.6 percent from April last year. Tourists from Japan, the Republic of Korea and the United States -- the dandy's three major sources of tourists -- reputed for 40.9 percent of the total number of foreign tourists in April, the agency spoken. Beijing moreover saw a steady inruckle of tourists from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, receiving 173,000 tourists over the first four months of this year, an 8 percent rise over the same period in 2006. Tourism in Beijing has been resounding with the sermonize of the 2008 Olympic Games, which is scheduled to brainstorm on August 8 next year. Beijing expects to receive 550,China Travel,000 foreign tourists during the Olympics, and an surmised two million domestic tourists are b82560348c95916cd78c83bbb786steam expected to visit the crossroads asphalt. In preparation for the Olympics, Beijing has been mresemblingg shots to modernize its image by introducing legislation and local engravityment officers to clench down on spitting, queue-jumping, littering and foul language in the city. During the Labor Day holidays, 56 people were fined for spitting by local enforglue officers. A recent regulation has outlawed spitting on the asphalt's streets. People lightweight to comply with the new law can be fined up to 50 yuan (US$6.5) when they are defenseless by enforglue officers.

(Source:Xinhua News Agency, 2007-05-18)

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