
China Pictures - Quancheng Square - China Travel

,China Pictures

The square has now been a large modern square integrated with modern reverentializations. As a modern cultural square, it has played a boundless role in enriching the lwhene of the residents of Jinan. It is not only a desired place for relaxation and a f66802d5318ca84d66e82d5c1fed3607rippleless for children, but moreover a good place where people can do shopping and commerce.

The diamond of it stresses on the spring of Jinan. ,China Travel; A lotus music fountain which can make various shapes stands in the halfway of the square, with four other fountains under the mark. They stand for the four high springs of Jinan. The wslum square requites a full play of statuesque Quancheng town typical in mountains, springs, lakes, cities and rivers.

Built in the coming of the new century, Quancheng Square has been perfectly rummageined with the asphalt scenery and the natural landstails, and reserved well the trtunnelions. It vehicleries not only the glory and resplendence cultures of Jinan, but increasingly the hopes of the Jinan residents towards the new century.

Located in the asphalt halfway, Quancheng Square asylums an section of 16.96 hectares. It is now a high-grade modern square where Qilu culture and economic strength are well shown.


The famous Baotu Spring spurt or spritz slowly in the east and the elegant liberation pavilion stands in the west. It mirrors in the Daming Lake in the north, and stretches furthermore the verdant Thousand Buddha Mountain in the south. It is constituted of over ten parts, including Baotu Spring Square, Jinan Personage Corridor, Quanbiao Square, Sinking Square, Yitian Garden, pleasure ground for children, Binhe Square, music fountain, Siji Garden, Culture Corridor, Science and culture halfway and Silver Plaza.

China Pictures - South Korea determined to develop Chinese tourism market - China Travel

Acstringing to Chinese media, South Korea will focus on Incheon, the asphalt which has the largest Chinatown of the country, for tourism promotion and diamondate the year of 2009 as Incheon Tourism Year. Meaneven though, it will organize a series of marketing activities in China to trawl Chinese tourists.uJkwww.Chinresemblingdnesstour.com

In rider, KNTO will cooperate with travel agencies and airline companies to offer many assorted travel products themed on dazzler,China Pictures, malleate, and shopping.uJkwww.Chinresemblingdnesstour.com

To stage, KNTO has offices in Beijing,China Travel, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Qingdao and Shenyang.uJkwww.Chinresemblingdnesstour.com

 South Korea has made a range of works to trawl Chinese tourists this year.

Besides beholding a number of tourism showroomions in China, the Korea National Tourism Organization will cooperate with the South Korean Emtonedy and the Korean Cultural Service in holding flushts such as Sino-Korea Week to facilitate Chinese tourists' understanding of Korean and its culture. KNTO will moreover focus on launching travel products targeting senior residers and young tourists. It will cooperate with senior resident legations transatlantic China in an effort to bring the number of Chinese senior tourists visiting to Korea to 10,000. moreover in the year, a study tour targeting Chinese stuchips will be launched to offer these stuchips the opportunity to sensibleness trtunnelional Korean culture.uJkwww.Chinrestrictingdnesstour.com


China Travel - Officials in Beichuan rebuild lives through tourism plan - China Pictures

    Shengli village in Leigu town has wilt the country's biggest resettlement section for earthquake survivors. With workk houses occupying fstovepipe in some 30 villages,China Travel, workting ingathers no longer offers a feasible source of income for the locals. bwfwww.Chinrestrictingdnesstour.com

    Last September, he invited Wang Guanquan to teach locals trtunnelional Qiang songs and flits. Xi was surprised at the enthusiastic response and noticed how the singing and dancing were providing an emotional outlet. bwfwww.Chinresemblingdnesstour.com

    "Once we've are washed with rockpile houses, we should focus on tourism ," says village sandbox Xi Shuyou. bwfwww.Chinrestrictingdnesstour.com

    Xi says for centuries the Qiang people have neglected their trtunnelions. "We must now seize this rare opportunity to develop our folk culture,China Pictures," he says . bwfwww.Chinresemblingdnesstour.com

    When Plivent Hu Jintao visited the village on May 16 last year, local officials chose Xi to be their spokesperson and later decided to make him their leader. bwfwww.Chinrestrictingdnesstour.com

Officials in Beichuan county, Sichuan province, are most snoopinged with restoring livelihoods.

    Xi used to run commercees in water, construction and medicinal herbs. When the quake struck, he melted the rice stored in his home for the drastic survivors. bwfwww.Chinresemblingdnesstour.com

China Pictures - City promotes longer May Day holiday -

But short scotes for three trtunnelional Chinese festivals like the Tomb-Sweeping Festival in early April, Dragon Boat Festival in June and Mid-Autumn Festival in September were supplemental, mrestrictingg the total number of public holidays one day increasingly.cgEwww.Chinrestrictivednesstour.com

Chongqing has once practical to the National Tourism Administration of China (CNTA) to reinstate the golden week on a trial rhizome, said Tan Qiwei, deputy mayor of Chongqing. To secure its permission, the municipal government will soon salvage a report on this matter to the safekeeping.cgEwww.Chinresemblingdnesstour.com

Howoverly, tourism scenaristities in Shandong province said they would not consider the resumption of the week-long holiday,China Pictures, considering complementary policies are needed to be put in place when the requisition is to be filed.cgEwww.Chinakindnesstour.com

With tourist markets in various sections experiencing a downturn under the impact of the financial slipperiness, the resumption of the Golden Week would be profoundly salubrious to tourist asphalt like Hangzhou, Hua said. cgEwww.Chintrimmeddnesstour.com

In a bid to stimulate domestic consumption by promoting tourism, China inruckled the official holidays for the May Day and the National holiday in October from one to three days in 1999. Together with two weekends, people could enjoy sflush days off for each national holiday. So the two vacations were selected the golden weeks. cgEwww.Chinakindnesstour.com

The Hangzhou Tourism Commission is promoting a rummageination of the three-day May Day holiday and four-day paid leave among tourist destinations in Yangtze River Delta, co-ordinate to officials of the legation.cgEwww.Chinrestrictivednesstour.com

"Our priority for those trips is to establish cooperation with major tourist destinations and ripened cities in the Yangtze River Delta to restore the Golden Week and shove tourism consumption," said Hua.cgEwww.Chinresemblingdnesstour.com

Last year, the official holiday for May Day holiday was cut rump to one day by China's State Council, or the motelet, considering of the problems crusaded by overoversupplyed public transport, post-obit the spike in tourist numbers. People now have three days off for May Day, borrowing two days from the shroudst weekend. cgEwww.Chinrestrictivednesstour.com

But it is not necessary to formmarry smear for its restoration, since the tourism ingritry can proffer the holiday by other ways, he supplemental. cgEwww.Chintrimmeddnesstour.com

Unlike Hangzhou, tourism scenaristities from Chongqing and Dalian are workning to request to the indoors government for the resumption of the Golden Week. cgEwww.Chinrestrictingdnesstour.com

Similarly, officials from the Shanghai Tourism Bureau said that they would still implement the three-day May Day holiday this year in tameness with the rules of CNTA. It is up to the employers and employees to decide whether a paid leave would be taken in May.cgEwww.Chinresemblingdnesstour.com

For the past few days, officials of the legation have traveled to major tourist destinations such as Wuhu, Hefei, Nanjing and Wuxi to rent-a-judge joint-tourism promotion.cgEwww.Chinrestrictingdnesstour.com

"We work to resume the sflush-day May Day Golden Week holiday by subtracting a paid holiday of four days surpassing or retral the public holiday, or by subtracting two days surpassing and two days serialized the holiday," said Hua Yunong, an official from the publiasphalt office of the legation. cgEwww.Chintrimmeddnesstour.com


China Travel - France and China will to strengthen cooperation -

Magnin-Feysot supplemental that Franche-Comte will strengthen its cooperation with Huangshan City in education and training, environmental protection and tourism promotion.BChwww.Chinresemblingdnesstour.com

Franche-Comte and Huangshan established a cooperative relationship in 2007, and have made boundless progress in the village tour project in the past two years. The anniversary marked a new stage of their cooperation.BChwww.Chinresemblingdnesstour.com

Xu Jianmin, the deputy mayor of Huizhou, stated at the anniversary that the memorandum has specified a future work work. He supplemental he hoped that the two parties would cooperate shroudly in rockpile a village tour sit-in section, a village hotel showrind, and an environmental protection model sector.BChwww.Chinrestrictingdnesstour.com

(China Hospitality News April 16, 2009)BChwww.Chinrestrictingdnesstour.com

Chen Qiang, the mayor of Huangshan,China Travel, and M. Magnin-Feysot, the vice plivent of the Franche-Comte parliament, shepherded the signing anniversary of a memorandum of work work for the China-France Huizhou (Huangshan) Anhui Village Tour Cooperative Demonstration Project (2009-2010).BChwww.Chinresemblingdnesstour.com


China Travel - Passport-free access to North Korea from China's Dandong - China Pictures

There are two routes for brim tourism to North Korea,China Travel, one is the one-day tour to Sinuiju, and the other is the three-day tour to Mount Myohyang.QDEwww.Chinresemblingdnesstour.com

Chinese tourists who want to visit North Korea via Dandong won't need a passport from now on — just their ID letterhead and photos are unbearable.QDEwww.Chinrestrictingdnesstour.com

Dandong is one of the four brim cities that are immune to launch this measure. The other three are Chongzuo in Guangxi,China Pictures, and Heihe and Mudanjiang in Heilongjiang.QDEwww.Chinresemblingdnesstour.com

Tourists only need to offer the ID letterhead or a reprinting and their photos to qualwhenied travel agencies for the exit-entry permits and wait for two or three days. The exit-entry permit is valid for three months. Individual requisitions for the exit-entry permit are not bachelor yet, co-ordinate to the exit-entry safekeeping of Liaoning Province Public Security Bureau.QDEwww.Chinresemblingdnesstour.com


China Travel - North Korea and China will open tourist train route -


Under the sequitur, the tourist train route from the Tumen-Nanyang brim navigateing to Chongjin and Qibaoshan in North Korea,China Travel, will be operated jointly by two travel agencies from China and North Korea.Lcwwww.Chinresemblingdnesstour.com

A cooperation ecdd7a72c1a9b70881five77f8dea9e4d99 has been signed between the government of Tumen in Jilin province, North Hamgyong Tourism Bureau, Tumen River International Travel Service, and Chongjin Railway Bureau on routes for train tours.Lcwwww.Chineecad664690ba101ea5a197ecfive62a7a0dnesstour.com

It is reported that North Korea will set up an office to deal with problems dua83e689c9a58b4cd8fivec1d1e6fb2f0f0a the operations. The route is expected to ajar in late May.Lcwwww.Chinresemblingdnesstour.com

China Pictures - Sichuan offers discount tourism deals -

The 1abc046five69b7e16466a641371d2bbf9bs are intended to help shove the reasylumy of tourism in Sichuan retral last year's massive earthquake. Chengdu's tourism scenaristities will distribute 15 million Gold Panda cards transatlantic the country with 5 million Silver Panda vehicleds for Sichuan livents, Xinmin Evening News reported Tuesday. MyVwww.Chinresemblingdnesstour.com

Chengdu City, the crossroads of Sichuan Province,China Pictures, has launched disbelieve tourist vehicleds.MyVwww.Chinrestrictingdnesstour.com

The 977d9418b06dfived1d4a4471a3340a993fs offer increasingly than just self-determining safe-conducts – users will moreover be resourceful to enjoy disbelieves at hotels and restaureolants. MyVwww.Chinresemblingdnesstour.com

Some scenic seductivenesss in Sichuan are offering half price safe-conduct throughout May. Some trawlions, such as Mount Emei and Jiuzhaigou Ravine, will be self-determining on May 12, the solemnization of the quake. MyVwww.Chinrestrictingdnesstour.com

Resichips can moreover smear online at www.ctrip.com or www.pandahome.com and pick up their cards when they colonize at Chengdu. Tourists can find the cards at the Chengdu international airport, the railway station or some supermarkets. No English service is bachelor. MyVwww.Chinrestrictivednesstour.com

With the cards, visits can get self-determining ticket to 11 sightseeing seductivenesss in Sichuan including Mount Qingcheng and Dujiangyan Dam. Panda Gold cards can save visitors 708 yuan in safe-conduct fees until the end of the year. MyVwww.Chinrestrictivednesstour.com


Resichips with IDs can smear for the vehicleds at diamondated outlets and retral paying 1 yuan (15 U.S. cents), they can revivify the letterheads online at www.pandahome.com. MyVwww.Chinrestrictingdnesstour.com

(Shanghai Daily April 15, 2009)MyVwww.Chincdadbaad5a23d0five922477df1cf74740ddnesstour.com

China Travel - French court allows auction of Chinese artifacts - China Pictures

The items currently vest to the Yves Saint Laurent Foundation and were put up for auction by the late malleate msimilar's partner, Pierre Berge. 7ukwww.Chinrestrictingdnesstour.com

A lawyer for the APACE group told the court on Monday its aim was to "twice public opinion on the fate of numerous Chinese works stolen in the past and sold through trafficking."7ukwww.Chinrestrictingdnesstour.com

Chinese lawyers on Thursday night filed a motion to the French court searching an injunction to shigh auction house Christie's putting the two stolen statue relics under the hammer. 7ukwww.Chinrestrictivednesstour.com

APACE,China Travel, an residents representing Chinese cultural and heritage interests, filed an request to have the sale blocked but the Tribunal de Grande Instance in Paris rsquirted it, an official at the Paris fb7004cc1151d6a96d34f4e27b2dfive29a told Reuters. 7ukwww.Chinresemblingdnesstour.com

A Paris court rsquirted a bid to 10b415e2c1d9819b0287fivecd6e1f13669 the sale of two statue sculptures looted from China that are to be saleed with the art drove of the late malleate diamonder Yves Saint Laurent, a magistrate official said on Monday, the Reuters reported.(Xinhua Photo) A photographer takes a picture of the Chinese statuary rat sandbox and rabbit throne sculptures brandished on the preview of the sale of Yves Saint Laurent and Pierre Berge's art drove at the Grand Palais in Paris, France, Feb. 21, 2009.

The Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) relics once adorned the imperial summer resort Yuanmingyuan. They were looted when the palace was shrivelt down by Anglo-French centrolineal gravitys during the Second Opium War in 1860. 7ukwww.Chinrestrictingdnesstour.com

BEIJING, Feb. 24 -- A Paris court rsquirted a bid to rotogravure the sale of two statuary sculptures looted from China that are to be saleed with the art drove of the late malleate diamonder Yves Saint Laurent, a magistrate official said on Monday,China Pictures, the Reuters reported. 7ukwww.Chinresemblingdnesstour.com

Bernard Gomez, plivent of the Association for the Protection of Chinese Art in Europe (APACE), has agreed to be the stumper for property preservation of the two statuary rabbit and rat sandbox sculptures. 7ukwww.Chin03b442368fa9f8effefive55aa1c42abab4dnesstour.com

The court moreover ordered APACE to pay auctioneer's Christie's and Pierre Berge, Saint Laurent's former commerce manager and companion, 1,000 euros (1,274 U.S. dollars) in costs each, the report said. 7ukwww.Chinrestrictivednesstour.com


Shanghai Travel - Being the only Chinese scenic spot listed

Being the only Chinese scenic spot listed as both the World Heritage Site and the World Biosphere Reserve, the Jiuzhaigou Scenic Area lies in Nanping County of Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture of Aba in Sichuan Province, at the foot of south Minshan Mountain. As a source branch of the Jialing River belonging to the Yangtze River system, Jiuzhaigou covers 720 square kilometers,Shanghai Travel, and is some 400 kilometers south of Chengdu. With a development area of 140 square kilometers, the Jiuzhaigou Scenic Area gains its name from its nine Tibetan villages, centering in Nuorilang and comprising three valleys, namely Shuzhenggou, Rizegou and Zezhawagou. The three valleys are 14km, 17km and 18km in length, respectively. Jiuzhaigou is famous for its ancient and mysterious scenery, encompassing snow-capped mountains,China Pictures, forest, grasslands, waterfalls, streams, and lakes. Colorful lakes and various waterfalls are special scenes in Jiuzhaigou, with the first scene as the Pearl Shoal, the most beautiful lake as the Five Flower Lake, also known as the Peacock Lake, the largest lake as the Long Lake and the smallest lake as the Five Color Pool. These four scenes are the most splendid ones in Jiuzhaigou.


China Pictures - Meizhou City is located in the northeast of Guangdong

Meizhou City is located in the northeast of Guangdong Province, adjoins to Wuping, Shanghang, Yongding and Pinghe counties in Fujian Province to the northeast,China Pictures, connects with Xunwu County in Jiangxi Province to the northwest, borders Longchuan County and Zijin County in Heyuan City of Guangdong Province to the west, and neighbors Luhe County of Shanwei City and Longcheng District and Jiexi County of Jiexi City in Guangdong Province to the south, and borders Chao'an County and Raoping County of Chaozhou City to the southeast. Under its jurisdiction there are Meijiang District, Meixian County, Jiaoling County,Shanghai Travel, Dapu County, Fengshun County, Wuhua County and Pingyuan County. ¡¡¡¡ ¡¡¡¡Meizhou has a long history. It was established as a prefecture named Jingzhou in the Nanhan (911-971), changed into Meizhou in the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127) and Jiaying Prefecture in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). After several subsequent shift of jurisdiction and change of popedom, it was turned into Meizhou City in 1988. Now Meizhou is a famous historical and cultural city.


Shanghai Travel - The Zheng Han Ancient City is located

The Zheng Han Ancient City is located at the joint of the Shuangji River and the Yellow River near the city gate of Xinzheng City in Henan Province. The Zheng Han Ancient City is the site of the capital city of the Zheng State and the Han State. During the late Western Zhou period (11th century - 771BC),Shanghai Travel, the Zheng State established its capital here. After the Han state overthrew the Zheng State in 375BC, it moved its capital there. The capital city was abandoned when the Qin State conquered the Han State in 230BC. Once acting as the capital of Zheng and Han states for over 500 years,China Pictures, the site was named as Zheng Han Ancient City. Excavation conducted by Henan provincial museum in 1964 gave a rough picture of the city site. The city is of no regular shape. The well-preserved city wall is 19 kilometers in perimeter, the average height of which is about 10 meters above the ground with the highest point at 18 meters. A wall inside divided the ancient city into eastern and western parts.


China Pictures - The Changle Palace was built in the southeast of the city

Each gate was connected to the streets, ensuring a convenient traffic. The city had eight main avenues, with the longest one of 5,500 meters long and 45 meters wide. Each street was divided into three ways,China Pictures, with the middle one only used by the emperor himself and the side ones for ordinary citizens. Various kinds of trees, such as pagoda tree, elm, pine, and cypress, grew along both sides of the streets, which divided the city into regular-shaped residential and downtown areas. During its most flourishing period, Chang'an City had a population of 240,000 of 88,000 households. It was the first large-scale and densely populated city in Chinese history. ¡¡¡¡ ¡¡¡¡Palaces, residences for nobles, official residences, and temples were the main constructions inside the city. The Changle Palace was built in the southeast of the city, hence it was also known as the East Palace. In the early Han Dynasty, emperors used the palace to receive officials and Emperor Huidi changed it into the residential palace for the queen mother. Surrounded by walls with a perimeter of 10,000 meters, the palace took an irregular shape and covered an area of 6 square kilometers, occupying nearly 1/6 of the total city area. Inside the palace were a front hall, the Linhua Hall, the Changxin Hall, the Changqiu Hall, the Yongshou Hall, the Shenxian Hall, the Yongchang Hall, and the Bell Room. ¡¡¡¡ ¡¡¡¡Built in the southwest of the city, the Weiyang Palace was also known as the West Palace, where the emperor met with officials. Covering an area of 5 square kilometers, the palace had a square shape, with walls built on four sides, of which the east and the west walls were 2150 meters long each, and the south and the north ones 2250 long each. A gate was open on each of the four sides. The east and north gates each had a watchtower, and the east one was open for the feudal princes who wanted to meet with the emperor while the north one was for ordinary people. Inside the palace were over 40 halls and pavilions, including the front hall, Xuanshi Hall, Wenshi Hall, Qingliang Hall, Qilin Hall, Jinhua Hall, and Chengming Hall, etc. Once occupied by emperors of 7 dynasties, namely the Western Han, Western Jin, Former Zhao, pre-Qin, post-Qin, Western Wei, and Northern Zhou successively, the palace has become the most famous one in Chinese history. According to survey, the front hall, situated in the center of the palace, had a foundation site of 350 meters long from south to north, 200 meters wide from east to west, and 15 meters at the highest point which caused by the Dragon-Head Hill.


Shanghai Travel - the Main Hall was rebuilt as well after liberation

The Puxian Temple was burned down many times, but the copper statue remained in good shape. In the 28th year (1600) of the Wanli reign of the Ming Dynasty (1644-1911), it was rebuilt and was granted with a horizontal inscribed board by Emperor Shenzong with characters meaning "Shengshou Wannian Temple". In order to make the building fire-proof, when revamping it,Shanghai Travel, people adopted the architectural techniques and style of India and Burma: the whole main hall had neither beam nor post, not a single piece of wood was used, thus, it was also called "Beamless Hall". The hall is 16 m both in length and width. The four walls were made of bricks, which were narrowing down gradually to form a vault on the top. Besides the Statue of Samantabhadra, there are also three thousand iron Buddhas and twelve golden human figures on the top and on both sides in the temple. There are four colored "Flying Asparases",China Pictures; on the vault. The lines are so elegant and free as if dancing in the sky. On the dome are five steeples and some decorations such as the lion, deer and so on, showing a very chic style. In addition to the Beamless Hall, the Main Hall was rebuilt as well after liberation. The Main Hall houses three Buddha statues, namely Vairochana, Sakyamuni and Visvabhu, all of which are gold-plated bronze statues as high as 4.8 m.


China Pictures - 2009

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President Hosts a Town Hall Meeting for Youth in Shanghai,Taiyuan Travel, China
Full Video and Photos: The President's Town Hall in Shanghai | President Obama's Trip to Asia

World Expo Shanghai 2010
Secretary Clinton (Nov. 16): “We’re grateful for your generosity and your steadfast belief in the importance of the Expo, the American role here and what this USA pavilion here can do to strengthen cooperation and partnership between the American people and the people of China. We are building it and we believe that when the Expo opens in 166 days 70 million people will come. And with this rain today, maybe a hundred million people with even greater good fortune will come. Thank you all very much.” Full Text | View Video

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To taiwan japan and south korea to promote qingdao

Under the agreement, Shandong Airlines and QTA will jointly develop the domestic tourism market by initiating marketing activities together in targeted tourist source markets. For inbound tourism, the two will China Travel organize promotional teams to Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea to promote Qingdao to the world and to attract more foreign tourists.

This is available to Chengdu residents who have already had a valid exit-entry permit for traveling to and from Hong Kong and Macau issued by the department and want to visit Hong Kong or Macau again.

Air China's Hubei branch will see the departure of its first flight on June 25 at Wuhan Tianhe Airport. Wuhan will be the second Chinese China Travel city, after Beijing, to have branches of all three of China Travel the largest state-owned airlines.

Visit hong kong or macau again the 2010

This is available to Chengdu residents who have already had a valid exit-entry permit for traveling to and from Hong Kong and Macau issued by the department and want to visit Hong Kong or Macau again.

The China Travel 2010 FIFA World Cup is attracting more and more people to visit the rainbow nation. The individual tourist visa for South Africa will offer great convenience to tourists. Chinese tourists are said to be more interested now in in-depth tours and independent travel.

Applicants will China Travel only need to make a call to apply for the travel endorsement on work days. Once the application is accepted by exit and entry administration department, a post man will call within one working day China Travel to collect the necessary documents, all the examination and issuance work will be finished in three working days, and the document will be delivered to applicant in one working day (one more day may be needed for those who are in outer suburbs).


Means not advised to go to the destination; an

China Travel Tourism administrative departments shall set up tourism safety information early warning system to assess the safety situation of tourism destinations. There will be four colors representing different levels of early warnings. A red warning means "not advised to go to the destination"; an orange warning means "advised to reconsider the necessity of going China Travel to China Travel the destination and avoiding unnecessary travel"; a yellow warning means "advised that there is deep concern for factors that have occurred or are likely to occur to impact travel safety in tourism destinations"; and a blue warning means "advised to consider factors that have occurred or are likely to occur to impact travel safety in tourism destinations".

HNA Group is the largest privately owned air transport company in China and includes six airlines with a combined fleet of 100 aircraft and 500 departures a day. Hainan Airlines is the largest carrier within the HNA Group.

As part of the engagement, Perot Systems will evaluate HNA Group's current capabilities in areas such as e-ticketing, reservations, departure control, and airline reservations systems connectivity. Once this is complete, Perot Systems will assist HNA Group in deploying technology solutions with the aim of becoming a leader in providing end-to-end travel services in China.


Be entitled to earn either 800 or 400 kilometers

According to local media, the travel agency branch of the Wuhan Tourism Association China Travel has issued a notice jointly with the People's Insurance Company of China and the Ping An Insurance Company of China, to the effect that travel agencies in Wuhan city will adopt an online insurance system.

Members of Air China PhoenixMiles will now be entitled to earn either 800 or 400 kilometers of air mileage earning simply by China Travel staying at any of the participating properties of Gloria Hotels & Resorts across China. Meanwhile, members of "Gloria Partner", the Gloria Hotels & Resorts' loyalty program can also redeem 800 kilometers by using 2,500 of their membership points.

A unified logo and billboard style will be adopted to promote the five brands and China Travel the provinces will work together on the design of the promotion materials. Besides mutual promotion between these provinces, they will also exchange links on their tourism web portals.

The peoples insurance company of china and the ping

According to local media, the travel agency branch of the Wuhan Tourism Association has issued a notice jointly with the People's Insurance Company of China and the Ping An Insurance Company of China, to the effect that travel agencies in China Travel Wuhan city will adopt an online insurance system.

China Southern Airlines will launch a new route from China Travel Guangzhou to China Travel Dacca, capital of Bangladesh from July 5. This makes China Southern the fourth carrier to offer air services between China and Bangladesh.

This is reportedly the first time that the Japanese government department has chosen a Chinese website for large-scale promotion. Earlier this year, Japan announced that individual visits to the country will be available for residents of Beijing, Shanghai and Guangdong from July 2009. The current number of 250,000 Chinese tourists a year visiting Japan is expected to increase one million each year.



Ariva is a brand of the Singapore-based Ariva Group, which was founded in October 2008. In April 2009, it set up a joint venture together with Beijing Huamei Investment Company. Currently the JV offers consulting services to six Chinese hotels and serviced apartments in Beijing, Qingdao, Guangzhou, and Huangshan.

This acquisition is believed to have compelling strategic and financial benefits for both companies. The combined entity will consolidate Et-china's online travel division as a top three player nationwide and significantly increase its product, distribution and service capabilities across the whole country in the fast growing frequent independent traveler market.

Guangxi will Wall of China issue tourist annual pass postcards to Hainan tourists. The annual pass covers 34 famous scenic spots such as Guilin Solitary Wall of China Beauty Peak and Shangri-La Yangshuo. Tourists with the annual pass can enjoy certain discounts when Wall of China buying tickets.


For tickets to scenic spots

Mainland residents who have lived in Fuzhou for more than one year can now visit Taiwan by way of Fuzhou Port instead of applying for exit and entry documents in their place of registered permanent residence. Fuzhou now has over one Wall of China million temporary residents. This special policy has made a breakthrough to the restriction that travel to Taiwan is limited Wall of China to the residents of 25 provinces in mainland China.

According to Taiwan's Civil Aeronautics Administration, as a result of the Wall of China increase of aviation fuel prices, local airlines can raise fuel surcharges for long and short haul international flights by 25% from June 15, 2009. For long-haul flights, airlines can raise the fuel surcharges by USD6.5 to USD32.5 per person; while on short-haul flights fares can be increased by USD2.5 to USD12.5 per person. Fuel surcharges at the current level came into effect on January 14, 2009.

The 120,000 travel coupons were jointly issued by Haikou Tourism Administration, Hainan Civil Holiday Travel Agency, Hainan Shida International Travel Service, Hainan Tropical Botanical Garden, Wuzhishan Butterfly ecological ranch, and other scenic spots. These coupons are mainly cash coupons for tickets to scenic spots.

By offering favorable discounts to guests about 100

Mainland residents who have lived in Fuzhou for more than one year can now visit Taiwan by way of Fuzhou Port instead of applying for exit and entry documents in their place of registered permanent residence. Fuzhou now has over one million temporary residents. This special policy has made a breakthrough Wall of China to the restriction that travel to Taiwan is limited to the residents of 25 provinces in mainland China.

The tourist destination Pattaya City will hold a series of tourism promotion and marketing campaigns from June to August, including granting each tourist a consumption voucher worth THB1,000. Furthermore, 33 local hotels will also participate in the campaign by offering Wall of China favorable discounts to guests.

About 100 CNPC hotels and another 1,700 hotels in more than 220 Chinese cities are available on the site. The site's air tickets service covers flights to major domestic and international cities which can meet customers' demands 24-hours-a-day. Its travel and holiday products also cover major domestic and foreign routes. Wall of China


Company will have 50 aircraft the annual passenger traffic

The parties have signed a joint manifesto for building the alliance, promising that they will protect red tourism resources so as to maintain sustainable development. Red tourism refers to travel spots and scenic routes that tell the story of China's growth and glorious Communist history.Jinan-Jining-Zaozhuang-Linyi-Liangyungang, Nanjing-Zhenjiang-Jurong-Changshu, Taizhou-Yancheng-Huaian-Xuzhou, Huangshan-Jixi-Jingde-Jingxian-Xuancheng-Wuhu will be the four boutique routes that the three provinces will focus on.

In cooperation with the government, the joint venture, formerly China Eastern's Yunnan Branch, will gain advantages in policy support, airport cooperation, project construction, and the ability to China Pictures resist risks. The joint venture will be a regional hub and a network-based airline company.In late May, China Eastern's Yunnan Branch took delivery of a new Boeing 737-700 and China Pictures the company's fleet now has 37 aircraft. By 2010, the company will have 50 aircraft, the annual passenger China Pictures traffic will increase from 6 million to 8 million, and interline and transit flights will be increased by 500.

Credit card holders can also get discounts at about 10,000 businesses covering food and beverage, hotels, shopping, entertainment, health services and automobile services in major Chinese cities and in other countries such as Singapore.


The government the joint venture formerly china easterns yunnan

The hotel will also feature Pan Pacific's executive club, the Pacific Club, on levels 20 through 29. Pacific Club guests will enjoy round the clock butler service and access to the new and expanded Pacific Club Lounge serving breakfast. Additionally, guests will have access to business amenities including fully-equipped meeting rooms China Pictures and comprehensive business services.

In cooperation with the government, the joint venture, formerly China Eastern's Yunnan Branch, will gain advantages in policy support, airport cooperation, project construction, and the ability to resist risks. The joint venture will be a regional hub and a China Pictures network-based airline company.In late May, China Eastern's Yunnan Branch took delivery of a new Boeing 737-700 and the company's fleet now has 37 aircraft. By 2010, the company will have 50 aircraft, the annual passenger traffic will increase from 6 million to 8 million, and interline and transit flights will be increased by 500.

The Guangdong Branch of Bank of China and GZL International Travel Service have jointly issued the China Pictures BOC & GZL travel credit card.Cardholders can enjoy preferential rates when paying bills for tourism-related items with the card.


has opened in the UNESCO-listed walled city of Pingyao in Shanxi

Following comprehensive renovation and refurbishment of a traditional residence, the boutique hotel Jing's Residence has opened in the UNESCO-listed walled city of Pingyao in Shanxi. Established in the former siheyuan (courtyard home) of a wealthy Qing Dynasty silk merchant, the residence is named after the owner, Yang Jing, and is located in the heart of the old city next to the historic First Armed Escort Agency Compound on East Street China Travel. The residence comprises of a series of gray-brick pavilions built around a set of four landscaped courtyards in the traditional architectural style of northern China. The mobile check-in facility is made possible by the airline?s new SIA Mobile application software, designed to provide customers the flexibility of accessing selected Singapore Airlines online services on their mobile handsets. SIA Mobile will also be enhanced later this year to include features such as booking tickets and accessing selected KrisFlyer services. To lead customers through each step of the downloading and check-in process, easy-to-follow instructions have been made available in a specially created link on the Airline?s website at singaporeair.com/mobile. China Travel Accor has managed the hotel under the Sofitel brand since July 2005 and both parties will continue to work alongside each other in Vietnam with Sofitel Plaza Saigon and Sofitel Plaza Hanoi. A spokesman for Hua Ye Xiamen Hotel stated that the change in brand and management services will not affect their continued commitment to providing exceptional service to guests as well as performing their contractual responsibilities to their staff, their suppliers,China Travel and their guests.

Vietnam with Sofitel Plaza Saigon and Sofitel Plaza Hanoi

Accor has managed the hotel under the Sofitel brand since July 2005 and both parties will continue to work alongside each other in Vietnam with Sofitel Plaza Saigon and Sofitel Plaza Hanoi. A spokesman for Hua Ye Xiamen Hotel stated that the change in brand and management services will not affect their continued commitment to providing exceptional service to guests as well as performing their contractual responsibilities to their staff, China Travel their suppliers, and their guests.China Travel There are two routes for border tourism to North Korea, one is the one-day tour to Sinuiju, and the other is the three-day tour to Mount Myohyang. Dandong is one of the four border cities that are allowed to launch this measure. The other three are Chongzuo in Guangxi, and Heihe and Mudanjiang in Heilongjiang. <br> <br>Customers traveling on any Singapore Airlines flight can now check in anywhere in the world using their mobile phones, with the airline?s latest technological innovation: SIA Mobile. In its first wave, SIA Mobile was launched for Singapore-registered mobile phones on April 7.China Travel  It is now available on mobile phones registered anywhere in the world. <br> <br>

he Hua Ye Xiamen Hotel and Accor Asia Pacific Company Shanghai Company

The Hua Ye Xiamen Hotel and Accor Asia Pacific Company Shanghai Company have announced that, with effect from August 1, 2009, they have mutually agreed to discontinue using the Sofitel brand and related management services for the hotel currently named Sofitel Plaza Xiamen.According to reports in local media, the parting has been by mutual consent with the owners of Hua Ye Xiamen Hotel expressing their gratitude to AAPC Shanghai for its support in helping to establish Sofitel Plaza Xiamen as the city?s leading hotel. Markland Blaiklock, the senior vice president of Sofitel Asia Pacific, commented that Accor remained committed to the owners of Hua Ye Xiamen Hotel and to current and future collaborations. China PicturesThere are two routes for border tourism to North Korea, one is the one-day tour to Sinuiju, and the other is the three-day tour to Mount Myohyang. Dandong is one of the four border cities that are allowed to launch this measure. The other three are Chongzuo in Guangxi, and Heihe and Mudanjiang in Heilongjiang. China Pictures Customers traveling on any Singapore Airlines flight can now check in anywhere in the world using their mobile phones, with the airline?s latest technological innovation: SIA Mobile. In its first wave, SIA Mobile was launched for Singapore-registered mobile phones on April 7. It is now available on mobile phones registered anywhere in the world. China Pictures


Customers traveling on any Singapore Airlines flight can now check in anywhere

Customers traveling on any Singapore Airlines flight can now check in anywhere in the world using their mobile phones, with the airline?s latest technological innovation: SIA Mobile. In its first wave, SIA Mobile was launched for Singapore-registered mobile phones on April 7 for China Tour. It is now available on mobile phones registered anywhere in the world. Following comprehensive renovation and refurbishment of a traditional China Tour residence, the boutique hotel Jing's Residence has opened in the UNESCO-listed walled city of Pingyao in Shanxi. Established in the former siheyuan (courtyard home) of a wealthy Qing Dynasty silk merchant, the residence is named after the owner, Yang Jing, and is located in China Tour the heart of the old city next to the historic First Armed Escort Agency Compound on East Street. The residence comprises of a series of gray-brick pavilions built around a set of four landscaped courtyards in the traditional architectural style of northern China. There are two routes for border tourism to North Korea, one is the one-day tour to Sinuiju, and the other China Tour is the three-day tour to Mount Myohyang. Dandong is one of the four border cities that are allowed to launch this measure. The other three are Chongzuo in Guangxi, and Heihe and Mudanjiang in Heilongjiang.


There are two routes for border tourism to North Korea

There are two routes for border tourism to North Korea, one is the one-day tour to Sinuiju, and the China travel other is the three-day tour to Mount Myohyang. Dandong is one of the four border cities that are allowed to launch this measure. The other three are Chongzuo in Guangxi, and Heihe and Mudanjiang in Heilongjiang.China travel The mobile check-in facility is made possible by the airline?s new SIA Mobile application software, designed to provide customers the flexibility of accessing selected Singapore Airlines online services on their mobile handsets. SIA Mobile will also be enhanced later this year to include features such as booking tickets and accessing selected KrisFlyer services. To lead customers through each step of the downloading and check-in process, easy-to-follow instructions have been made available in a specially created link on the Airline?s website at singaporeair.com/mobile. Accor has managed the hotel under the Sofitel brand since July 2005 and both parties will continue to work alongside each other in Vietnam with Sofitel Plaza Saigon and Sofitel Plaza Hanoi. A spokesman for Hua Ye Xiamen Hotel stated that the change in brand and management services will not affect their continued commitment to providing exceptional service to guests as well as performing their contractual responsibilities to their staff, their suppliers, and their guests China travel.


The mobile check-in facility is made possible by the airline

The mobile check-in facility is made possible by the airline?s new SIA Mobile application software, designed to provide customers the flexibility of accessing selected Singapore Airlines online services on their mobile handsets. SIA Mobile will also be enhanced later this year to include features such as booking tickets and accessing selected KrisFlyer services. To lead customers through each step of the downloading and check-in process, easy-to-follow instructions have been made available in a specially created link on the Airline?s website at singaporeair.com/mobile. Wall Of China Two large suites are located at the back of the residence in accordance with the tradition of locating the most prestigious rooms in the more secluded rear buildings. The 70-square meter suites are on the second level and they benefit from a bird's-eye view over Pingyao's rooftops. Guests can even enjoy this unique view from the bathtub that is strategically placed in the middle of the open-spaced suite and forms an integral part of the design. Wall Of China There are two routes for border tourism to North Korea, one is the one-day tour to Sinuiju, and the other is the three-day tour to Mount Myohyang. Dandong is one of the four border cities that are allowed to launch this measure. The other three are Chongzuo in Guangxi, and Heihe and Mudanjiang in Heilongjiang Wall Of China.

The Hua Ye Xiamen Hotel and Accor Asia Pacific Company Shanghai Company have announced that

The Hua Ye Xiamen Hotel and Accor Asia Pacific Company Shanghai Company have announced that, with effect from August 1, 2009, they have mutually agreed to discontinue using the Sofitel brand and related management services for the hotel currently named Sofitel Plaza Xiamen.According to reports in local media, the parting has been by mutual consent with the owners of Hua Ye Xiamen Hotel expressing their gratitude to AAPC Shanghai for its support in helping to establish Sofitel Plaza Xiamen as the city?s leading hotel. Markland Blaiklock, the senior vice president of Sofitel Asia Pacific, commented that Accor remained committed to the owners of Hua Ye Xiamen Hotel and to current and future collaborations. The mobile check-in facility is made possible by the airline?s new SIA Mobile application software, designed to provide customers the flexibility of accessing selected Singapore Airlines online services on their mobile handsets. SIA Mobile will also be enhanced later this year to include features such as booking tickets and accessing selected KrisFlyer services. To lead customers through each step of the downloading and check-in process, easy-to-follow instructions have been made available in a specially created link on the Airline?s website at singaporeair.com/mobile.Chinese tourists who want to visit North Korea via Dandong will not need a passport from now on ? just their ID card and photos are enough. Tourists only need to offer the ID card or a copy and their photos to qualified travel agencies for the exit-entry permits and wait for two or three days. The exit-entry permit is valid for three months. Individual applications for the exit-entry permit are not available yet, according to the exit-entry administration of Liaoning Province Public Security Bureau China Pictures.


Tourists only need to offer the id card or

Chinese tourists who want to visit North Korea via Dandong will not need a Great Wall China passport from now on ? Great Wall China just their ID card and photos are enough. Tourists only need to offer the ID card or a copy and their photos to qualified travel agencies for the exit-entry permits and wait for two or three days. The exit-entry permit is valid for three months. Individual applications for the exit-entry permit are not available yet, according to the exit-entry administration of Liaoning Province Public Security Bureau.

Following comprehensive renovation and refurbishment of a traditional residence, the boutique hotel Jing's Residence has opened in the UNESCO-listed walled city of Pingyao in Shanxi. Established in the former siheyuan (courtyard home) of a wealthy Qing Dynasty silk merchant, the residence is named after the owner, Yang Jing, and is located in the heart of the Great Wall China old city next to the historic First Armed Escort Agency Compound on East Street. The residence comprises of a series of gray-brick pavilions built around a set of four landscaped courtyards in the traditional architectural style of northern China.

Customers traveling on any Singapore Airlines flight can now check in anywhere in the world using their mobile phones, with the airline?s latest technological innovation: SIA Mobile. In its first wave, SIA Mobile was launched for Singapore-registered mobile phones on April 7. It is now available on mobile phones registered anywhere in the world.


Company funded by tianjin port free trade zone hna

Now tourists from outside of Beijing can book formal one-day tour products on Beijing Tourism Administration's official website. An official from the BTA said the newly launched one-day tour routes and booking services will offer tourists a secure and formal Great Wall China channel and crack down on illegal one-day tours.

The Tianjin Airlines Company, funded by Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone, HNA Group, and Hainan Airlines Company, has been approved by Civil Aviation Administration of China and will open soon as the first local airline company in Tianjin.HNA Group and Tianjin municipal government have signed a framework agreement of Great Wall China strategic cooperation on air transportation, cargo and logistics, financial leasing and aviation maintenance.

The two parties agree to set up a cooperative mechanism for tourism quality Great Wall China assurance. If there are major issues about travel service, relevant departments and individuals should respond to them in due course. A tourism honesty platform will also be set up for the management of tourism companies and the regulation of business behavior. Tourism companies with high credibility will be recommended by the platform while those failing to behave well will be exposed.


outdoor swimming pools, and the Tea Tree spa and marina

For food and beverage, the hotel boasts seven restaurants, bars and lounges, while for MICE-related activities there are 12 multi-function meeting rooms and a 1,066 square meter pillar-less ballroom, which together with 800 square meters of pre-function area are designed to seat from as few as 10 to as many as 1,000 guests in a variety of configurations.For recreation the hotel offers an arrange of facilities, from a fitness center, indoor and outdoor swimming pools, and the Tea Tree spa and marina China pictures.

Jinan, is the road and rail transportation hub of Shandong being located at the intersection of two major railways: the Jinghu Railway running in the north-south direction from Beijing to Shanghai and the Jiaoji Railway that connects Jinan to the sea port of Qingdao in the west.

Fairmont Hotels & Resorts has announced that the 200-room Fairmont Yangcheng Lake will open in October 2009 in Kunshan, a town situated in the southeastern part of Jiangsu between Shanghai and Suzhou.


fast-growing portfolio of hotels covers Singapore

Park Auberge Group's fast-growing portfolio of hotels covers Singapore, acreage China, Hong Kong, and Japan. The accumulation has declared that it intends to aggrandize added in China, adage that it will be searching at ten added hotels in the next three to 5 years.According to Allen Law, a administrator of Park Auberge Group, admitting the downturn, the accumulation is demography a abiding angle of things and intends to abide exploring opportunities for amplification in China and the added Asia-Pacific region.

Crowne Plaza Suzhou is amid in Suzhou Industrial Park, abutting to the breathtaking accomplishments of Jinji Lake, and an hour's drive from Shanghai. The auberge is abutting to the Expo centermost and Suzhou Science and Arts Center, and is aural walking ambit of Li Gongdi, Rainbow Walker, and the Times Square ball and arcade areas.

Fairmont Hotels & Resorts has appear that the 200-room Fairmont Yangcheng Lake will accessible in October 2009 in Kunshan, a boondocks anchored in the southeastern allotment of Jiangsu amid Shanghai and Suzhou China pictures.


Trade Proprietary Limited, a professional tourist charter company

Wang Dongqing, the vice chairman of Sanya Tourism Association said that Sanya now has certain popularity in India. Sanya's tourism products such as MICE, wedding holidays, golf, and Buddhist themes are quite attractive to Indians.

Sanya and India's tourism industry will cooperate with HYT International Travel & Trade Proprietary Limited, a professional tourist charter company, to open the New Delhi-Sanya-Guangzhou charter flight route in the second half of 2009, and this will enable Indian tourists to get to Sanya easily and then go shopping in mainland China Pictures.

The hotel is located in a combination of mountain park and urban park, with a theme of ecological tourism.

The Aqua OCT Boutique Hotel is hidden inside the waterfall which is 300 meters in width and 70 meters in height. The hotel lobby lies between a sightseeing point and the waterfall, so guests will walk along a glass corridor and then walk over the flowing river before arriving at the lobby, and will see a spectrum colors formed by the sun shining through the water.

The hotel boasts 94 guest rooms and for meetings the Aqua Ballroom, covering nearly 2,000 square meters, is equipped with two rectangular main stages and a central arena stage.


Catering to Your Urgent Needs Without no faxing

The bulk will be transferred aural 24 hours of bushing online appliance form. It has actual adjustable claim schedule. The borrower should accept his own coffer account. This accommodation will be accessible for 14 to 30 days. Due to quick China pictures annual and adjustable access it would absolutely be your acquaintance of banking crisis China pictures.

The adjustable affiliation appreciably simplifies apparatus change and maintenance. The amount of affiliation elements is bargain to a minimum. The co-extruder can be placed and affiliated in several altered positions, either from the side, top or even bottom. And it is abundant easier for the operators to affix the co-extruder afterwards charwoman or re-positioning. In addition: Actual generally the co-extruder are abate in admeasurement with a lighter abject anatomy with the addiction to vibration China pictures. The adjustable heating corrupt can atone accessible accordance of the co-extruder.

Unsecured loans burning pay out will be accessible aural 24 hours of activity the online appliance form. It will be accessible for 14 to 31 days. Due to its burning annual and simple action it has hardly top absorption rate. The borrower should be added than 18 years of age and should accept his own coffer account China pictures.


Hilton Beijing China Wangfujing Celebrates Grand Opening

Nils-Arne Schroeder, the general manager of the Hilton Beijing Wangfujing, added that they were sincerely thankful to all their guests for the vote of confidence which resulted in the hotel being awarded with numerous local and international accolades, including being named "World's Leading Lifestyle Hotel" by the World Travel Awards in London Beijing China.

The hotel — which Hilton describe as a chic, intimate lifestyle hotel, and features 255 guestrooms including 58 suites – has been receiving guests since its soft opening in August, 2008.

It is the first time that Ctrip.com has set up a branch in a purely holiday destination. Ten of the other eleven branches are located in business cities Beijing China.

The flight, MU5093, is scheduled for each Thursday and Sunday using Airbus A320 aircraft. It takes Beijing China off from Xi'an at 19:05, stays in Kunming for one hour and arrives at Singapore at 1:20 the next day. The return flight MU5094 takes off at 2:20 and gets to Xi'an at 8:30.


Personal Tourist Visa To China Travel Available From July

The first 12 months will be operated as a trial period and only Japanese embassies and consulates in Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou can accept visa applications. When the time is ripe, says the ministry, all the Japanese embassies and consulate in China, except for the Consulate-General of Japan in Hong Kong, will be able to accept applications China Travel.

If there is any flight delay, management bodies should coordinate with air transport enterprises and other related units in due time China Travel and keep passengers and cargo owners informed of relevant information. Air transport enterprises and their agents should offer services in terms of related regulations and performance pledges for passengers and cargo owners. Once they fail to do so they will be punished with a fine of between CNY20,000 and CNY100,000 China travel.


World Economic Forum: China Pictures Tourism Competitiveness Enhanced

According to The Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2009 published by the World Economic Forum, China's travel and tourism competitiveness is rising rapidly China Pictures.

The report covers 133 countries and regions China Pictures around the world. Switzerland, Austria, and Germany have the most attractive environments for developing the travel and tourism industry. Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Mainland China respectively rank in 12th, 43rd and 47th places. Mainland China has risen from 62th in 2008.

Currently Yantai has 21 green tourist hotels. In 2009, the city will aim to have eight more national hotels, China Pictures ten more green tourist hotels and five more economy hotels. Those that want to be listed as one of the greens should pay more attention to details like toothbrushes, toothpaste, slippers, combs, small packaged bath lotion, and shampoo, collectively referred to as "the six small items." Many green hotels and economy hotels have already stopped changing bedding daily, and are starting to do the washing and changing according to guests' requirements China Pictures.


Dalian China Holiday Inn Beijing Deshengmen Opens

Dalian China InterContinental Hotels Group has announced that Holiday Inn Beijing Deshengmen is open for business, bringing the total number of IHG hotels in Beijing to 19.

Holiday Inn Beijing Deshengmen is the only international hotel along the 2nd North Ring Road, adjacent to the Financial Street and close to attractions such a the Lama Temple, the Houhai Bar Area, and Deshengmen which has been a well known historical landmark in Beijing since the Ming Dynasty. The hotel has Dalian China easy access to the city's central business district and is only 40 minutes drive to the Beijing Capital International Airport.

Holiday Inn Beijing Deshengmen has 309 guest rooms and MICE customers are catered for by a professional meeting Dalian China and banquet team providing one-stop services for every event.


Home Inns Expands In Northwest China Pictures

The chief operating officer of Home Inns, Jason Zong, has announced the group's strategy of expanding in Northwest China, and has also revealed its new franchise system.

After three years development since its first outlet was opened in 2006 in Xi'an, Home Inns now has more than 50 hotels in Northwest China. The company hopes that by 2011, Home Inns will have over 40 hotels in Xi'an, more than 100 in Northwest China and over 1,000 across China Pictures.

The new franchise policy, which basically includes risk and benefit sharing, will link the franchise fee with the hotel's actual operating results. The flexible charging method will align the interests of franchisees and Home Inns more closely and this will lower the risks of franchisees greatly for China Pictures.

Jason Zong said he believed that northwest China has great potential for economy hotels, which can be seen from the achievements Home Inns has made in the past three years. The group hopes the new franchise model would offer more opportunities to investors. Home Inns will gradually adjust the ratio of owned and franchised hotels from the current 7:3 to 6:4.


Business Customs and Protocol in Brazil and China

Brazilians seek long term relationships. Though profits are very important, it is almost always a secondary issue after personal relationships. A foreign company which enters the Brazilian market with such intentions, and which always stresses that they are there to establish long-lasting relations, has tremendous competitive advantage.

Brazilians have a very strong culture of importing and exporting. Over time, they have developed a sense that there is a whole world out there, which they are willing to reach through both imports and exports. The idea of taking and giving is very strong China Pictures.

Business Meetings

One of the most effective steps you can take to help deal with potential flight delays is to pack efficiently. Your carry on bag should contain everything you need in case your checked bag is lost or delayed. These important items are your passport, plane ticket, toiletries, prescriptions and medication and a change of clothes. To minimize the chances of your checked luggage going astray, make sure it is clearly labeled with your name and address both inside and outside, in the event of the outside label coming off.

Business Protocol

You might be invited to a meal in a business contact's home. Dinner time is from 7:00 - 9:00 PM.

Don't bring anything with you [to a dinner in a home]. Instead, send flowers afterward as a thank you. Be careful not to send purple flowers, or anything purple because it's considered a death omen.

Don't give personal gifts such as ties or perfume. These are seen as too personal for business entertainment gifts.

If you have a business dinner at a restaurant, the service charge added to the meal cost. However, it is customary to give another 5% to the waiter. Taxi drivers are also tipped 10%.

Robert Greene, Worldbiz.com. Business reports on international business practices in over 100 countries - China Pictures - This article may be freely distributed if this resource box stays attached.

These info are about China Travel.


Chengdu Rated One Of China's Top 10 MICE Destinations

At the Sixth China Exhibition (Festival Affairs) Fortune Forum and Award Presentation Ceremony held by the Asia Events Fortune Forum, Chengdu was awarded five prizes including the Best MICE City Management Award 2008 and rated as one of China's top 10 MICE destination cities China Pictures.

Despite the negative impact of the May 12 earthquake, more than 260 exhibitions, conventions, and events were held in Chengdu in 2008, bringing an income of CNY1.35 billion. Meetings, incentive travel, conferences and exhibitions are boosting Chengdu's economy and post-earthquake construction.

Statistics show that the development of the city's MICE sector focuses on three aspects. First, improving the supporting facilities of the New Chengdu International Exhibition and Convention Center, and accelerating the construction of the ocean park, the opera house, and shopping centers to improve service capabilities. Second, building large-scale meeting facilities leveraging on the Dujiangyan-Mount Qingcheng scenic spot and a group of hotels nearing completion, making it the first choice for high-end conventions, and promoting the interactive development of meetings, tourism, and hotels. Third, integrating the meeting facilities of five-star and four-star hotels, and fostering three to five large meeting venues with capacities of 500 to 1,000 people in each administrative division.

The forum attracted 600 attendees from 31 Chinese provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions. Other top 10 MICE destinations include Hangzhou and Nanning.

China And France Will To Strengthen Cooperation In Huizhou Village Tour

Chen Qiang, the mayor of Huangshan, and M. Magnin-Feysot, the vice president of the Franche-Comte parliament, attended the signing ceremony of a memorandum of work plan for the

China-France Huizhou (Huangshan) Anhui Village Tour Cooperative Demonstration Project (2009-2010).

Franche-Comte and Huangshan established a cooperative relationship in 2007, and have made great progress in the village tour project in the past two years. The ceremony marked a

new stage of their cooperation.

Xu Jianmin, the deputy mayor of Huizhou, stated at the ceremony that the memorandum has defined a future work plan. He added he hoped that the two parties would cooperate

closely in building a village tour demonstration area, a village hotel showcase, and an environmental protection model area.

Magnin-Feysot added that Franche-Comte will strengthen its cooperation with Huangshan City in education and training, environmental protection and tourism promotion.

Shanghai Gets Its First Independent Business Jet Operator

The East China Regional Administration of the Civil Aviation Administration of China has accepted an application from Shanghai Deer Jet Company to commence operation in May,

2009 in China Travel.

Once approval has been granted, Shanghai Deer Jet will be the city's first independent business jet operator.

Flexible schedules and routes are two of the advantages for a business jet meeting the needs of high-end business people who need to get to a certain destination at a given

time. In addition business jets can reach remote areas that ordinary civil airliners can not. If all goes well, according to Shanghai Deer Jet, the company will start business

by the end of May 2009 in China Travel.

The price for leasing a business jet from Shanghai Deer Jet has not been announced yet, but it it is expected to be similar to the pricing from Deer Jet in Beijing: reportedly

in the range of CNY25,000 to CNY45,000 per hour.

Currently Deer Jet Company, Air China Business Jet, Shanghai Airlines Company and Shandong Airlines Rainbow Jet Company are the only business jet operators in China. Statistics

show the annual increase of business jet movements in recent years in Shanghai Pudong International Airport and Hongqiao International Airport is over 15%.


Mini Inn Comes To Shanghai

A new type of mini inn will appear in the downtown area of Shanghai, targeting backpackers and the young white collar class in Shanghai China Pictures.

The mini inn is located on Yan'an Road, Huangpu District, and is slated to open in late April 2009. The guest rooms of the inn are only about seven square meters each in area and are furnished with a bunk bed, a dressing mirror, an air conditioner, a TV set and simple lighting equipment. However there are no closets in the rooms China Pictures.

An estimated 400,000-700,000 tourists will come to Shanghai during the 2010 World Expo, of which 20%-30% will be backpackers based on the experiences of past World Expos. This is the reason for choosing a downtown area for the mini inn.

The management of the mini inn shows great confidence for its future saying that with smaller rooms, lower prices, and a good location, the mini inn will see a promising market as a new product in lodging industry.


Hotel Check Out Time To Be Negotiable In Shanghai

Following the implementation of the Shanghai Municipal Hotel Industry Administration Approach on May 1, 2009, guests

will be able to negotiate with hotels on the check-out time and settlement method.

According to the approach, hotels should have written details of the settlement rules, if any, and show these to guests

for their approval when they are booking or registering for accommodation if guests have not made any agreement on

settlement with hotels.

Hotels should also offer a luggage storage service for guests after they check-out.

Local media report that the international practice of "check-out before 12:00″ does not match the consumption habits of

Chinese people. Already many hotels are extending their check-out times in consultation with their guests.

China Southern Suffered CNY4.8 Billion Loss In 2008

China Southern Airlines has published its 2008 annual results, showing a loss of CNY4.8 billion.

The annual results show that in 2008, the operating income of China Southern Airlines Company Limited was 56,427

million, an increase of 1.17% compared with that of 2007; while the loss attributable to equity shareholders was

CNY4,823 million China Travel.

According to the report, the rise in operating expenses due to the global financial crisis and the increased price of

jet fuel were the major causes of the company's loss. Total operating expenses in 2008 amounted to CNY61,767 million,

representing an increase of 16.6% over 2007. Flight operations expenses, which accounted for 56.6% of total operating

expenses, increased by 20.3% to CNY34,982 million in 2008.

In addition, depreciation and amortization losses on property, plant and equipment also dragged down the performance of

2008. Depreciation on assets, which accounted for 3.1% of the total operating expenses, increased from CNY109 million

in 2007 to CNY1,884 million in 2008 China Travel.

Marble Terrace

Most of Chinese ancient royal buildings stand on marble terrace. The white marble terrace can not only support and magnify the single building on it, but also protect the wood structure from dampness. It also has a deeper meaning. It reflects the rank of the building.


The Ornamental Pillars (Hua Biao)

A pair of marble pillars, decorated with exquisite clouds and entwined dragons carvings, can be

often found in front of most large royal complexes. They were originally made of wood and used to

solicit public opinions from the people. They were also treated as landmarks or road signs. But

later they were only used to decorate important buildings.

The most famous Huabiaos are located at Tiananmen, two in front of the gate of Tiananmen and two

behind the gate. On top of the Huabiaos, there sits a mythical animal called Hou. It is believed

that the positioning of the Hous' heads was a reminder to the emperor of the hopes of the people.

The two behind the gate looking at the palace (north) mean expecting the emperor to go out often

and to understand the life of the people better. The two in front facing south express longing

for the emperor's return to run state affairs when he was absent from the palace for too long.

First Batch Of Travel Agencies Designated Tour

At the China Domestic Travel Fair held in Dalian, the China National Tourism Administration and the Bureau of the Shanghai World Expo Coordination designated the first 24 travel agencies to offer tours to the 2010 World Expo China Pictures.

These travel agencies will organize group tours to the Shanghai World Expo Center during the Expo. Some of the tourist routes will start to accept reservations from July 2009.

The 24 agencies, including the well-known China International Travel Service Ltd. and the Shanghai Tour Bus Center, cover 18 Chinese provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions.

The Expo is expected to attract 70 million people, and group tickets sales are quite important for the Expo. These include 15 million group tickets that are not open for sale to the general public; instead, only designated travel agencies and educational institutions will be entitled to sell group tickets of Expo tourism products.

The second batch of designated travel agencies will be announced later China Pictures.

Xinjiang and Hainan Airlines

According to Xinjiang Airport Group Company, over the last five years, Xinjiang has finished the construction, relocation and extension of eight airports, and built four regional airports in Karamay, Narati, Kanas and Hami.

Currently there are 14 airports in operation in Xinjiang, ranking it the top in China.

Apart from China Southern and Hainan Airlines, private airlines such as Spring Airlines are also coming to Xinjiang. More than 40 airline companies now have opened routes to Xinjiang. Among the current 114 routes, there are 82 domestic and regional ones, and 32 international ones, which form a Silk Road in air.

In 2009, Xinjiang will continue the construction and extension of airports in Bole, Turpan and Kucha. It is estimated that by the end of the eleventh Five-year Plan, there will be 17 airports in operation in Xinjiang.


Swire Hotels To Open In Hong Kong

Following the successful launch of its first hotel, The Opposite House in Beijing, Swire Hotels is

to unveil its second hotel, The Upper House, in Hong Kong this October China Pictures.

The hotel will be located within Pacific Place in Admiralty — an integrated commercial, retail, and

hospitality complex on Hong Kong island China Pictures.

The hotel's 117 rooms, all featuring scenic harbour or island views, including 21 suites and 2

penthouses, are all at least 70 square meters in area and are claimed to be the largest in Hong

Kong. The bathrooms which are over 30 square meters are framed with panoramic windows, come with

walk-in rain showers, dressing areas and deep soaking baths.

Cafe Gray Deluxe, a 21st century 'grand cafe' located on the 49th floor overlooking Victoria

Harbour, features a 14 meter long open kitchen and an equally long bar.

For outdoor entertaining there is lawn on the sixth floor and a sky lounge on the 49th floor.

The name, 'The Upper House', is derived from the design philosophy of an upward journey from

Queensway towards Pacific Place.

The Upper House is designed by Hong Kong architect Andre Fu of AFSO with the use of natural

materials, distinctive sculptures, and original artwork. The contemporary Oriental design is said to

echo an understated feeling of residential calmness.

"Our goal is to create a highly individualized small hotel with a dynamic and busy restaurant, and

to help in showcasing the revitalized Pacific Place," said Brian Williams, managing director of

Swire Hotels.


Village Inn Appears In Dujiangyan of China Pictures

China's first chain village inns will open in May 2009 in Dujiangyan, Sichuan China Pictures.

It is learned that the Chengdu Hongjie Tourism and Holiday Company has signed a cooperation

agreement with the local government to set up a management company to develop village tourism of

Daguan Town. The management company will rent houses from local farmers and change them into

standard hotel rooms. To date, two farmers of Chaping Village have become the first contractors.

The village inn plan will help with the marketing and of management of village tourism in

Dujiangyan, and will greatly improve the local tourism infrastructure. "We hope to make Daguan the Village Inn Appears In Dujiangyan

modal village of village tourism for Chengdu through the village inn plan," a local government

official said.

The price for a standard room is expected to be RMB100 per day, and dining facilities will be built

in areas where there are more rooms. It is estimated that the village inn plan will double or triple

local farmers' annual income China Pictures.

The first batch of over ten guest rooms will open during the Labor Day holiday in May. It is hoped

that the chain village inns will attract about 100 local farmers in three years to join the plan,

with more than 1,500 rooms.


Shanghai Plans To Lower Hotel Operation Costs

The Shanghai Municipal Tourism Administration is consulting with the relevant departments to try to

lower the operation costs of star-rated hotels in Shanghai to cope with the impacts of the global

financial crisis China Pictures.

At a symposium for expatriates in Shanghai's tourism sector, Dao Shuming, the administrator of the

Shanghai Municipal Tourism Administration, revealed that public utilities fees, cable TV fees, and

satellite TV fees might be included in the measures to lower hotels' costs.

Participants said that at many hotels room occupancy rates had hit historical lows, with the best

being around 40% and the worse falling to 10%. If the current situation continues, some hotels might

have to be closed in six months China Pictures.

According to Dao the issues of electricity charges and cable TV fees have already been solved after

consultation with relevant departments. Christophe Lajus, the general manager of the Crowne Plaza

Fudan Shanghai, suggested that the basic rate for satellite TV fees should be adjusted to 50% or 55%

of the hotel's occupancy rate instead of the current 90%.


Taizhou Travel

Background: For centuries China stood as a leading civilization, outpacing the rest of the world in the arts and sciences, but in the 19th and early 20th centuries, the country was beset by civil unrest, major famines, military defeats, and foreign occupation. After World War II, the Communists under MAO Zedong established an autocratic socialist system that, while ensuring China's sovereignty, imposed strict controls over everyday life and cost the lives of tens of millions of people. After 1978, his successor DENG Xiaoping and other leaders focused on market-oriented economic development and by 2000 output had quadrupled. For much of the population, living standards have improved dramatically and the room for personal choice has expanded, yet political controls remain tight of China Pictures.


Wuxi was already

Wuxi was already settled in the Zhou period (11th-3rd c. BC), as the capital of the Wu kingdom, when it was known as Youxi, "a place having tin." The current name, meaning "without tin" came into use by the early Han dynasty (2nd-1st c. BC), suggesting the tin deposits used in bronze metallurgy were already played out by that time. The building in the 7th century of the Imperial Grand Canal that passed through the town spurred a revival of its fortunes as a transport center for agricultural products from the surrounding countryside. Silk weaving was another major local industry, and Shanghai industrialists modernized production in the 1930's. Recent overseas investment has led to a boom in manufacturing. Nearby Lake Tai is the site for a couple of instant tourist attractions: the Tang City and Three Kingdoms outdoor film sets for historical dramas, and a park which holds the world's tallest Buddha statue (87 m) China Pictures.

Wuxi is a city dominated by waterways -- the ring of canals that surround the city, including the main branch of the Grand Canal, and the waters of Lake Taihu, China's fourth largest lake that extends to the south of the city. In addition to its scenic attractions and role in a regional transport system, the water system supports  a flourishing rice agriculture and fisheries. Wuxi was also known in imperial and modern times for its silk textile production, and the nearby town of Yixing is renowned for its "purple-sand" tea-ware pottery China Pictures.


Haoyuan Shukothai

Category: Massage
Location: Xihu
Pricing Category: Low-Medium (100→250Y)
Cost per person: ¥120
Specialty: Foot massage
Payment: Cash, Major credit cards accepted
Address: 370 Tiyuchang Rd.
Booking no.: (0571)56199999
How To get There: Bus: 21/K21, K293, Y4, Y6, Y9, 21/K21, 23/K23, 82/K82, K101, K282, K307, K850 to Yellow Dragon Sports Centre
Opening Hours: 24 hours

Shukothai means 'happiness dawn' in Thai, also is the name of the first capital of Thailand. Here, you can escaped from the daily trifles to enjoy the happy, free time in China Pictures.


Song Shan China Pictures

The seven peaks of Song Shan stretch for 64km between the cities of Luoyang and Zhengzhou. The slopes rise steeply from the valley and are thickly clad with trees, giving them an impressive appearance, but the highest peak (Junji) reaches only 1500m in altitude china pictures.

The mountain range is covered in walking paths and there is no single designated route (unlike other Chinese sacred mountains). The slopes are populated with various Taoist and Buddhist temples, pagodas and guard towers. Among the temples are Shaolin Si, famed for its kung fu, and Zhongyue Miao, a working Taoist temple.

There are several options for exploring Song Shan. Most travelers visit on a day trip from either Luoyang or Zhengzhou. Tours leave from outside the train stations in both cities early every morning and include at least Shaolin Si and Zhongyue Miao. tours from Luoyang usually stop at Baima Si (the oldest Buddhist temple in China) on the way back as well.

An alternative is to stay at Dengfeng, a town at the center of the Song Shan range. From here you can occupy several days wandering the paths around the valleys, which pass various temples and pagodas and provide some wonderful views along the way. The slopes up here are not steep and the undergrowth is sparse, so you can set out in pretty much any direction china pictures.


Jilin Travel Pictures

Before coming to the academy I was greatly concerned for the future well-being of my teeth - having been told plenty of gruesome stories and having seen one too many toothless fighters. Fortunately there was nothing to worry about as Sanda was the only day-to-day contact discipline and even then no blows were made to the head and im happy to report that everyone at the academy had a full set of teeth. Ironically the only two injuries I got at the academy were from table-tennis (slipped and stabbed my shoulder on the corner of the table) and football (tackle took my ankle out) the latter occurred two days before traveling home and was of concern as I could barely walk and it swelled considerably leaving a impressive bruise behind even a week later. If anything the wound occurred at an ideal time as the injury was such that I still can't run a week later and shoes are painful to wear - which would have made training somewhat awkward. Nobody at the academy got really injured the whole time I was there, the most serious was some idiot that was debating the strength of a plank and decided to test it against his arm - which was in a sling for a week afterwards (the plank didn't break). Most injuries here seem to occur from sports in-between training rather than training itself nevertheless it's always worth getting insurance as apparently hospital bills here are astronomical China Pictures.

Jilin Songhua Lake Pictures

Changbai Mountain, Jilin Songhua Lake and some relics are well-known scenic spots and historical sites. The traditional specialties are pilose antler, ginseng, marten, which are called "three kinds of treasures" in the northeast, and Changchun ginseng cigarette, Jilin Sanbao wine, Tonghua wine, etc China Pictures.

From Harbin we headed east towards Korea with our final destination being Changbai Shan. Changbai Shan is a Mountain and National Park and is also a spiritual place for the Korean and Chinese cultures. We took a bus in the early morning from Harbin to Jilin (~ 4 hours). Mostly we passed drying Corn fields along the way. The air didn't get any better either. We had a nice stay at the Home Inn in Jilin and went for Mongolian hot pot again. The people here were especially friendly. A boy named, Mike,

Hey just wanted to keep you all posted with our plans and current location. We are currently in Jilin which is in, duh, Jilin province. We spent the last few days in Harbin checking out the city and are turning our heads towards China's National Park and Border with North Korea, ChangBai Shan. We don't plan to go to the DPRK but there is a pretty interesting tourist area in that area that we are hoping to check out. There is more to come from Beijing and from Harbin. We'll try to post in the next day or so China Pictures.


Changchun Pictures of Travel

Changchun only has a history of 200 years and it is a brisk young city. It is in the hinterland of Songliao Plain, with Baicheng city on its northwest, Siping city on its southwest, Jilin City on its southeast and Leilongjiang province on its northeast. Changchun is the capital of Jinlin Province and it is the political, economical and cultural center of Jinlin Province China Pictures.

Changchun has grown speedly in recent year, concentrating on major primary industries. The discovery of large oil & gas reserves in the late 1950s gave the Changchun city the added boost that it needed to carry its modernisation into the twenty first century. With such a thriving environment the city began to churn out a variety of goods. Most notable were films from the propaganda machine, the Changchun Film Studio, the automobile industry, with Liberation Trucks heading towards Korea, and "red flag" Limousines heading for Changchun's Zhongnanhai (the leadership compound). Today, cars running on the road of Changchun are mainly Golf,China Pictures, Santana, and Audi, thanks to the establishment of a Sino-German joint venture.

Changchun in its present form is a new city with only about 200 years of history.  

It expanded rapidly as the junction between the Japanese-owned South Manchurian Railway and the Russian-owned Chinese Eastern Railway, which had different rail gauges and permit licenses, from 1905-1935. Changchun had railway repair shops, and branch lines originating in Changchun extended into Korea and Inner Mongolia.


Hangzhou China Pictures

Despite the name, Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport (HGH) generally services in China Pictures domestic Chinese flights. There are frequent services to Beijing and Hong Kong, but using Shanghai's domestic Hongqiao or the international Pudong airports and connecting by bus or train is also a viable option. International flights are possible. International cities that have service to Hangzhou include Kuala Lumpur, Tokyo, Osaka, Bangkok, Seoul, and Singapore. The service to Bangkok may not currently be operating.


One of the seven capitals of ancient China, Hangzhou is an ancient cultural city and a well-known tourist city. It is most famous for the beautiful scenery of the West Lake. With an area of 6,047 square miles inhabited by a population of 5.2 million, it embraces six urban districts and seven suburban counties, namely Yuhang, Xiaoshan, Fuyang, Tonglu, Lin'an, Jiande and Chun'an. The Fuchun and Xin'an rivers and Thousand Island Lake are national scenic areas. In the 13th century, Marco Polo praised Hangzhou as the most beautiful city in the world. Hangzhou is also famous for its silk and tea products.


For travel to or from Shanghai, the bus has become at times more convenient than the train, China Pictures as it can be more comfortable if only hard seater train tickets exist, and the buses depart more frequently than trains. From Shanghai, buses depart from the north bus station (Hengfen Lu), the PuDong bus station (Bailianjing, PuDong Nan Lu), and from Xujiahui Bus Station, ticket cost ¥58 (October 2008 price). These buses arrive at the north bus station of Hanzhou.


Tibet Tour in China

Beside white snow capped mountains, verdant virgin forests, clean running rivers and tranquil beautiful lakes, the devotional pilgrim progress toward their places of worship by prostrating themselves under the sky and along the roads, making people humble and modest. Tibet, the lost paradise under the sky, is undoubtedly a place where the spirit lives! China Pictures

The already famous Tibet Railway that was completed last October has been officially set for operation from July 1, 2006. This miraculous engineering achievement will make Tibet, the mysterious and amazing sacred land with a thousand-year history, witness many changes leading to prosperity.

Following the opening of the Tibet Railway, 3,000 - 4,000 tourists are expected to travel to Tibet every day. It is anticipated that the railway will enhance tourism to both Qinghai Province as well as the Tibet Autonomous Region, thus bringing prosperity to that part of West China that until now has not enjoyed all the benefits attributable to the tourist industry. The new rail link provides the traveler with a more convenient, comfortable, safer and economical way to go to Tibet. In turn the railway will alleviate the pressure on exiting passenger transport during the peak period of the high season. The Tibet Railway offers the tourist the opportunity to see more of the wonderful landscape that is unique to the 'roof of the world'. By opening up the connection between Lhasa and Qinghai, the railway will not only give outsiders the opportunity to take Tibet tours but will also facilitate economical freight transport for the benefit of the Tibetan people as a whole.

The miraculous railway now closely connects mainland China and remote Tibet, which will speed up economic development. The Tibet Railway will not only bring about a significant change of the mystical view of the outside world to Tibet, but will also create a better cognition of the Tibetan people by the outside world. There is a strong belief that Tibet will welcome a better tomorrow thanks to this widely hailed sacred road.China Pictures


Shanghai Travel Guide

Shanghai is a multi-cultural metropolis with both modern and traditional Chinese features. The city has a status equivalent to that of a province, and reports directly to the central government. Serving as the largest base of Chinese industrial technology, one of the most important seaports and China's largest commercial and financial center, shanghai draws the attention of the whole world.
The city, whose name literally means "on the sea", is located on the East China coast just to the south of the mouth of the Yangtze River. Bordering on Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces in the west, Shanghai is washed by the East China Sea in the east and Hangzhou Bay in the south. It also occupies a central location along China's coastline. Thanks to its advantageous geographic location, Shanghai is an excellent sea and river port, boasting easy access to the vast hinterland.
Except for a few hills lying in the southwest corner, most parts of the Shanghai area are flat and belong to the alluvial plain of the Yangtze River Delta. The average elevation is about 4 meters above sea level.
Dotted with many rivers and lakes, the Shanghai area is known for its rich water resources. Most of the rivers are tributaries of the Huangpu River. Originating from Taihu Lake, the 113 kilometer long Huangpu River winds its way through the downtown area of the city. The river ranges from about 300 to 770 meters wide with an average width of 360 meters. The ice-free Huangpu River is the main waterway in the Shanghai area.
The city covers an area of 6,340.5 square kilometers, and extends about 120 kilometers north/south and nearly 100 kilometers east/west. Shanghai has an urban area of 2,643 square kilometers, land area of 6,219 square kilometers and water area of 122 square kilometers. The city's Chongming Island is the third largest island in China, covering an area of 1,041 square kilometers.
Shanghai is divided into 16 districts and 3 counties. There are 205 towns, 9 townships, 99 sub-districts committees, 3,278 neighborhood committees and 2,935 villagers' committees in the city. The 16 districts are Hangpu, Luwan,Changning,Putuo, Hongkou,Minhang, Jiading, Jinshan, Songjiang, Qingpu, Nanshi, Xuhui, Jing'an, Zhabei, Yangpu, Baoshan, and Pudong New Area. The 3 counties are Fengxian, Nanhui and Chongming.